Friday, October 5, 2012

What was he thinking ?

On Thursday October 4th, 2012 at approximately 12:30pm Transit Police officers assigned to Area 3 were at Andrew Sq. MBTA station conducting fare evasion enforcement. While there they had ocassion to observe a male, later identified as Shane Sullivan, 22 of Marshfield MA., enter through the fare gates without paying. Officers approached Sullivan for the purpose of issuing him a citation. At first Sullivan furnished a name other then his own, he had a good reason to do this for he knew there were multiple warrants out for his arrest. The officers however did not believe Sullivan and investigated further, which revealed a Default warrant issued from Quincy District Court for 3 counts of Larceny, 6 counts of Uttering a false check and 6 counts of forgery by check. Another warrant issued from Plymouth District Court for 1 count of Larceny and 1 count of Uttering a false check and Forgery. Yet another warrant this one issued from Boston Municipal Court for Shoplifting. Wait there's more ! Another warrant issued from Boston Municipal Court for Shoplifting by Asportation. That's a grand total of 4 Warrants and 20 separate counts/charges . Needless to say Sullivan was placed into custody for the warrants transported to Transit Police HQ and issued a citation for fare evasion.
