On August 15, 2012 we released a surveillance photo on our Transit Police blog :(http://www.tpdnews411.com/2012/08/identification-wanted.html) of an individual who stole a bicycle from the Forest Hills bike cage on August 9th, 2012. The bicycle was valued at 950.00 dollars, the male then fled with/on the bicycle onto Washington Street.
On October 14th, 2012 at approximately 12:30 PM Transit Police officers assigned to Area 4 were on patrol at Forest Hills MBTA station, one of the officers observed a male who he believed was the person depicted within the surveillance photo inside the lobby of the station. The officer approached the male, later identified as Fernando Bossa, 27 of Boston,MA., to confirm his identity and engage him in conversation. Once the officer confirmed Bossa's identity it was discovered there were 4 outstanding default warrants in existence for Bossa's arrest. All the warrants were issued from Boston Municipal Court: Larceny from a Building, Credit Card Fraud (2) counts, Larceny from the Person and Resisting Arrest. Officers placed Bossa under arrest for the warrants, while waiting for the prisoner transport vehicle to arrive Bossa attempted to flee, a brief foot pursuit ensued and Bossa was once again brought under control. Bossa was transported to Transit Police HQ where he was proceesed on the outstanding warrants and additionally charged with the August 9th Larceny of the bicycle from the Forest Hills bike cage. Bossa will appear in West Roxbury District Court to be formally charged.