On Sunday, March 20, 2022, the City of Boston will host the annual Saint Patrick's Day Parade in South Boston. The parade will start at 1PM at Broadway Station (Dorchester Ave & West Broadway). The Saint Patrick's Day Parade is meant to be a family oriented event for all to enjoy. Representatives of the TPD met with the parade organizers and elected officials who represent the South Boston community regarding this event. We are also collaborating with our law enforcement partners: the Boston and Massachusetts State Police as well as other stakeholders to ensure a safe and welcoming environment. In years past the TPD have fielded concerns from our ridership regarding rowdy and unruly behavior fueled by alcohol consumption. At our meeting for this year's parade elected officials were clear: Community members want parade attendees to enjoy themselves however they also want attendees to be respectful of their neighborhoods and spirit of the event.
We encourage everyone to utilize public transportation to come and enjoy the Parade. We ask those who choose to take the MBTA to act responsibly and respectful towards one another. Please be mindful of young children, the elderly and those with disabilities while travelling. Rowdy, unruly, disruptive and/or assaultive behavior will NOT be tolerated. The consumption of alcohol is NOT allowed on the MBTA and will be strictly enforced. Minors in possession of alcohol are subject to arrest. If you choose to NOT comply but rather conduct yourself in a disorderly, unruly and/or assaultive manner you will NOT be permitted to utilize the MBTA and may be subject to arrest.
The TPD will have extras officers deployed to ensure a safe and orderly commute.