William Jones |
On September 25, 2013 at approximately 4 p.m. a male, later identified as
William Jones, 51 of South Boston, sauntered into the busway of the Andrew Sq. MBTA station. Jones was pushing a 50 gallon trash barrel that contained several hundred dollars worth of stolen power tools. Jones' intention were to sell the ill gotten gains to the highest bidder. Unfortunately for Jones he choose a plainclothed Transit Police detective, who was there on an unrelated investigation, to conduct his business with. To sweeten the deal Jones said he would include the barrel and a large package (18 rolls !) of Charmin Ultra Soft toilet paper. Now who could say no to that.
Needless to say Jones was placed into custody for Knowingly Receiving Stolen Property over 250.00 and transported to Transit Police HQ for the arrest booking process. All the items "for sale" were seized. It is expected that Jones will be arraigned sometime today in South Boston District Court.
media inquiries should be directed to tpdnews@mbta.com
The events listed above are allegations; All defendants are presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.