On February 19, 2013 at approximately 6pm plainclothes Transit Police officers from Area 1 were on patrol at Chinatown MBTA station. While on the northbound platform a female police officer was approached by a male, later identified as Handell Liburd, 33 of Beverly. Liburd took a seat on the bench next to the undercover officer and initiated a conversation with her. Liburd eventually directed the conversation to the topic of making money and inquired if the UC police officer was interested in earning some money. Liburd then bluntly offered the female UC officer 40.00 dollars to perform a sexual act on him. Officers present approached Liburd identified themselves as Transit Police officers and placed him into custody for Solicitation of Sexual Conduct for a Fee. Liburd was transported to Transit Police HQ for the arrest booking process and is expected to arraigned in Boston Municipal Court sometime today.