On May 9, 2022 at approximately 1:30PM Transit Police officers on patrol at the MBTA's Nubian Sq. Station made an onsite arrest for the following : in the vicinity of the 2200 block of Washington Street in Roxbury an 84 year old wheel chair bound man was approached by a female, later identified as Malina Stacy, 25, of Boston. Stacy requested the victim give her some money. When the victim informed Stacy he did not have money to give her she responded by closed fisted striking him in the face and head and removing money from the victim's jacket pocket. Stacy then fled into Nubian Sq. Station and boarded an MBTA bus. Concerned citizens who observed the robbery flagged down Transit Police officers.
Officers boarded the bus removed Stacy and recovered the victim's money from her person. Stacy was placed into custody, Unarmed Robbery & Assault & Battery on an Elderly Person, and transported to TPD HQ for the arrest booking process.
media inquiries should be directed to Superintendent Richard Sullivan at rsullivan@mbta.com the events listed above are allegations; All defendants are presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt