Christopher Delouchrey |
On February 5, 2015 at approximately 4;15pm Transit Police officers working in Area 1 were conducting Point of Entry Policing at the MBTA's Downtown Crossing station. While there officers observed a male, later identified as
Christopher Delouchrey, 20, of Norwood fare evade by "piggybacking" in behind a paying customer. Officers approached Delouchrey for the purpose of issuing a citation. Subsequently officers discovered there were warrants in existence for Delouchrey's arrest issued from Dedham District Court for Receiving Stolen Property over 250.00 and from West Roxbury District Court for Breaking & Entering in the Nightime to commit a Felony. Delouchrey was placed into custody and transported to Transit Police HQ for the arrst booking process.
media inquiries should be directed to Lt. Richard Sullivan at rsullivan@mbta.com
The events listed above are allegations; All defendants are presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt