On December 31, 2008 at approximately 9:30PM 16 year old Devonte
Franklin was stabbed multiple times while riding on an MBTA Route 28 bus
in the vicinity of Blue Hill Avenue and Harvard Street in Dorchester.
Tragically Devonte did not survive this horrendous and senseless attack.
It's an understatement to say Devonte's murder was devastating to his
family, friends and all those who knew him.
Fourteen years have passed since Devonte's murder and the person responsible
has yet to be identified. The Transit Police Department will never give
up on this case. On this 14th year anniversary mark we implore anyone
with information, however slight, relative to Devonte's murder and the
identity of his killer to contact us. Devonte deserves your help.
Please furnish any and all information you may have to the Transit
Police Criminal Investigation Unit at 617-222-1050. If you have
information but wish to remain anonymous you can do so by using our See Say app. Help us bring the individual responsible for this barbaric act to justice and perhaps bring Devonte's family some closure.
Media inquiries should be directed to Superintendent Richard Sullivan at rsullivan@mbta.com